Mediterranean Gull
Montagu's Harrier
Black Kite and Common Buzzard
Northern Raven
Kentish Plover
Marsh Harrier
Griffon Vulture
Red Kite
Bonelli's Eagle
European Honey Buzzard
Barn Swallow
Black Kite
White Stork
White-tailed Eagle
Common Crane
Black Stork and Buzzard
Black Stork
Short-toed Eagle
Ferruginous duck
Grey Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron
Great Skua
Little Egret
Yellow-legged Gull
Black-headed Gull
Cattle Egret
Black Tern
Herring Gull
Northern Gannet
Slender-billed Gull
Eurasian Teal
Red-footed falcon
Hooded Crow
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